Surgiva once again partner of the Italian Sommelier Association

The collaboration between Surgiva and Italian Sommelier Association is renewed with the Surgiva Prize and the enhancement of mineral water culture.

Surgiva, a company that is closely linked with excellent wine and haute cuisine, is proud to be confirmed as the official water of the Associazione Italiana Sommelier – AIS (Italian Sommelier Association)

Surgiva arrives very pure, after a long underground journey, from a spring at high altitude in the Adamello Brenta Natural Park in Trentino and was chosen 20 years ago by AIS for its very low fixed residue, just 33mg/l, which guarantees a lightness and neutral flavour ideal for accompanying wine tastings, as well as chef’s creations.

Gruppo Lunelli’s water will be present at all the Association’s main events and will promote the culture of water in the first level Sommelier courses.

Another important novelty for 2024 is the return of the Surgiva Award: during the presentation of the Vitae Guide, scheduled for November 2024, the Regional AIS Association that has most distinguished itself both in the promotion of wine and water and supporting one or more aspects of sustainability will be awarded.

This award is intended to give a voice to the numerous national projects that the delegations carry out each year and bring members ever closer to Surgiva. The Award winners, in fact, will be able to visit its iconic locations: the Adamello Brenta Natural Park, where Surgiva springs forth and which it supports with various initiatives, Gruppo Lunelli’s Trentino realities, such as Ferrari Trento, Locanda Margon and Villa Margon, the Group’s hospitality center.